
Description of the decentralized neural network BLAGO

Since the BLAGO network will include all the best Internet services that are necessary in modern society, for example: a social network, messenger, file drive, wallet, voting system, management system, and so on, and this is a very large amount of information, data will be published as doing the work.


With the advent of new technologies such as blockchain, smart contracts, artificial intelligence, it has become possible to create a new decentralized community with its own financial model, governance system, voting and other aspects of a typical state. But the new order requires people to have a new understanding and attitude towards the system.

Therefore, the development of the BLAGO network depends on the actions of each of its participants.

Economic structure of the network

The BLAGO network has a completely new economic model. It accepts the following conditions:

  1. All the world's resources belong to the community and are nominally divided equally among all its members.

  2. All money in the world is equal to the Bitcoin rate. The value of all tangible assets and any financial transaction is recalculated at the Bitcoin exchange rate to the local currency.

  3. The financial system is not based on monetary policy emanating from a central bank, but on the needs and capabilities emanating from each participant, taken into account and managed by smart contracts in the blockchain network.

  4. Personal bank accounts from centralized systems and the funds on them nominally belong to the entire community, which are digitized on the blockchain as BLAGO tokens and transferred for management through smart contracts.

  5. Personal items of real value, such as real estate, cars, computers, cell phones, jewelry, etc., are digitized in the form of NFT tokens, creating liquidity for the entire financial model of the BLAGO network

  6. Financial and asset management strategies are agreed upon through voting and incorporated into the logic of smart contracts.

a. Finance

Finance is quick money that can be easily managed. For example, cash, bank account or cryptocurrency, but not frozen in staking.

Financial data is submitted by users in real time, through the telegram bot @xBLAGObot

Investment money entering the BLAGO network ends up as finance in the personal accounts and wallets of community members.

The amounts of all finances are digitized on the blockchain and recorded in the form of BLAGO tokens.

The logic for financial management is laid down by the community in smart contracts. Funds go to meet the needs of community members.

b. Needs

Needs are desires. Everything a person needs for a comfortable life. This could be a computer, Internet payment, travel, education or medical care.

The needs of each individual and the community as a whole are the fuel for the engine that motivates all people to join the BLAGO network and participate in its development.

All needs are created without restrictions on the amount or complexity of their fulfillment. They are implemented in the order in which they are created, or in priority if the community votes urgently.

It is worth understanding and taking into account that complex needs complicate the work of the BLAGO network and affect the timing of completing the needs of other participants. Therefore, you need to be rational, especially in the first stages of the network’s operation, while liquidity is not high.

Needs are covered by free network resources or other community members, for example, legal assistance can be provided by your own specialist. Or the laptop can be given to a child in need, thus not using up the network's assets, but doing good and growing the network.

Basic needs, such as food, utilities, cellular communications, Internet, travel or gasoline, etc., are fulfilled automatically on an ongoing basis, maintaining the activity and vitality of all people.

c. Assets

An asset is any thing that has material value, such as a house or car. The owner issues NFT tokens for these assets, which are stored in his wallet.

The user can transfer free assets to another member of the community who has such a need.

All community assets form the liquidity of the network.

d. Liabilities

Liabilities are what drag a person towards poverty. Loans, mortgages, debts. The priority of closing liabilities is a solution by writing off debts by your own specialists, for example, lawyers through the court. In other cases, liabilities are closed in parts or completely, depending on the capabilities of the network.

The general principle of the BLAGO network is to ensure equal access of all participants to resources and support their well-being, based on the principles of decentralization, cooperation and mutual assistance.